Monday, 8 December 2008

Having a smashing time

Why is it that when you have a lot of work to do something always pops up and takes up all of your time!

Right now the dissertation progress is hitting a standstill. Nearing the end of term now and starting to get excited (perhaps a little prematurely) about Christmas. The next task in the long never-ending list is to prepare a presentation of my progress made so far. Hopefully this can reignite my passion for it and get the ball rolling again. So..... presentation.....eeek! Students are to be grouped together by similar topics so as to get the most out of the presentations as possible yet I still find myself standing out like a sore thumb in my group. Is it a good thing to hope that people don't have a clue what I'm talking about during my presentation? Less questions to answer at the end.... :-) Well fingers crossed all goes well! Wish I'd had more time to prepare. If only those neds hadn't decided on smashing my car windscreen with a brick whilst I was driving...... one thing after another!! :-)


Anonymous said...

Sometimes standing out is a good thing, but remember the talk to your audience- if most people in the room don't know a blog from a plumb line, make sure you have a good introduction which sets out exactly what questions you've been trying to answer, and why you think they're interesting.

I'm not sure if you're one of the many making the pilgrimage to TAG this year, but there is a session on computing things run by some fellow antiquisters on the Tuesday.

Don't neglect your dissertation for the blog! Writing is a very appealing procrastination. And leaving this comment has made me realise I'm being a total hypocrite, so I'd best hop off and carry on report writing :(

Archaeogirl said...

Thanks Neko. I think I'm guilty of a lot of neglect over the last couple of weeks. Getting back into it now though. :)

This presentation should help me get some of my research together instead of it just flying around various sites and blogs and of course my head!