Well apologies for my recent absence here! Kidney infections are proving to be a recurring nightmare for me at the moment :-( It's amazing how work can be shoved onto the back burner when you feel ill! Anyway enough about me and back to my research! I struck upon an idea the other morning over coffee of a possible issue for my dissertation. I was searching through blogs and came across one (can't remember which sorry!) that talked of the work of someone who had passed away and wanted to keep people's interests in the ideas raised. It made me wonder about the internet in the future. If people have active blogs, bebo/facebook profiles or websites and then pass away what happens to them? Since most of these are password protected it would be impossible for friends or family of that person to delete their profile. Should these profiles be deleted by the company providing the service or is that against people's human rights? These profiles could be used by friends and family as a way to leave messages and help mourn. So how long to these webpages stay online? The internet must already be full of people's online profiles that have now passed away and are not being used anymore. This build up of layers could conceivably become a port of call for future archaeological research in the future. Will it be possible to excavate the internet?
Also the title of this blog for any hardcore Indiana fans is a little quote from Raiders. DVD out this week!